Get Involved!

There are many ways you can get involved in preserving the history of Park Forest.

Membership has its perks!

Consider purchasing a yearly membership to the Park Forest Historical Society.  Learn more about membership...


We are always in need of your time and talents. We have volunteer opportunities in the Museum, the Archive, and Society efforts. Learn more about our volunteer opportunities...

Promote the Society

Help us by simply promoting us! Let your friends and family know about us. Join us on social media and share our posts. Tell others about our 1950s Museum, the events we host, and our volunteer opportunities.

Educate the Community

Our volunteers give presentations and help educate others about our local history. Share your knowledge with us and the community. Learn more about speaking and presentation opportunities...

Donate to the Society

The Park Forest Historical Society always appreciates monetary donations. These monies help us to pay our rent, host events, develop new programs, and preserve the history of Park Forest.  Donate to the Park Forest Historical Society...

Donate to our Archive or Collections

When in doubt, don't throw it out! The History Collection needs your treasures.  Learn more about the items we are looking for to include in our Archive and Collections...



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Park Forest Historical Society