Park Forest Videotapes

Park Forest Historical Society Videotapes Collection

Video Recordings Introduction

Boxes 41, 41a, 41b, 41c, 41d.
List created and initially filled in by volunteer, Rose Thomas in Spring 2012.

These boxes contain videotapes in ¾" Umatic and/or VHS masters, and VHS "Archive Copies", or in some cases, a DVD master or DVD "Archive Copy."

An Excel chart lists the titles in these boxes, by Box and letter number, i.e., Box 41 a.

The continuation of the charting project will be to use a printed copy of this list to record call numbers and accession/item numbers of circulating copies of the titles which have been made in VHS or DVD, and any other DVD copies made of the programs. Some of the programs had duplicate DVDs made, which were intended to become the Archival and Master copies of the recordings. "Archival" was intended to be a copy that would not be viewed, so it would remain as pristine as possible. "Master" was intended to be used to make new copies, since the collection was in the Park Forest Public Library and public use of the DVDs or Videos would result in wear and scratches. If they were used, a need for replacement would be inevitable.

In most, but not all cases these recordings were made by the Cable TV firm, Jones Intercable in the early 1980s, then by Comcast. Some were recorded by videographers we hired to do the filming. Most recordings are of Park Forest Historical Society panel discussions and programs. Some are Videotapes of the "OH! Park Forest," Oral History of Park Forest, final program, and videotapes shown to the audience at that program. There are videotape copies made from some of the 16 mm films in the collection.

A1987.13 Accession is the Dan Clark ¾" videotapes. Dan Clark was a Park Forest-raised young man who became manager of the Park Forest Jones Intercable Station on North Street in the earliest days of Park Forest's Cable TV service. He inherited the post from the first manager. The company was originally Cox Cable Company. Dan Clark did interview programs, "Neighbors and Friends," and taped political results programs, etc. He taped the program, "Shame on You Marshall Fields" and the blowing up of the Clocktower in 1987.

He also did a series of "Hot Seat" interviews. For this series he recorded one of the few recorded interviews with Mr. Philip M. Klutznick, former president of American Community Builders, developers of Park Forest. Mr. Klutznick served under several presidents of the United States, was the President of the International B'nai B'rith, and was a real estate developer, who built Park Forest Shopping Center, River Oaks, Old Orchard, Oak Brook, and Water Tower Place, among others. Also interviewed for this series were Henry X. Dietch, second Village President and Village Attorney, and Governors State University President, Leo Goodman-Malamuth. Mr. Clark saved these tapes from destruction when he was leaving the station by donating them to the Park Forest Local History Collection and Archive which I believe was also the time when the provider changed to Comcast.

Other titles which are considered to be in Accession A1987.13 include the series, "Neighbors & Friends" in which Therese Goodrich interviewed interesting people in Park Forest, "Round Table" which seems to have been political interviews, "Maeyama Day", and "Lively Arts Festival" tapes from 1983 and 1984, and "Beginning Guitar" with Neil Whitham, among other titles. 

Kristofer Olson, also raised in Park Forest, became Manager of the Comcast Cable TV Station on North Street in 1987-2004. Comcast originally paid Kris to film the Park Forest Historical Society programs, which were held in the Ringering Room of the Park Forest Public Library. Later, that free service was discontinued, but Kris donated his services to the society to videotape the programs. Magne Olson, Kris' father, was the president of the Park Forest Historical Society at this time. Magne may have made an in-kind donation of some payment to Kris, during this period. Sometimes Archie Cocke (pr. Coke) would videotape, either for Comcast or with PFHS paying him. Programs were almost always aired on Channel 4, Public Access Television for Park Forest.

When Kris was leaving the Comcast offices in Park Forest, and the studio was being shut down, he saved the tapes he had recorded or run for us, many more programs made for other events, and also more that Dan Clark had recorded by donating them to the Park Forest Local History Collection and Archive. At this time, a ¾" Umatic player appeared in our collection as well, which will someday enable ¾" tapes to be viewed and digitized. This collection is A2004.8, and is listed in a PDF.

In a Sterilite plastic box (contents should be transferred to an acid free buffered carton) on the wooden video shelves by the windows in Room 2 at St. Mary's, we have some DVD transfer copies made from the VHS films, and some original DVD copies of more recent programs which have been filmed directly to DVD. There are also a few DVDs sent to us by former residents, or by the Police Department of their anniversary program, which we helped supply newspaper articles and photographs to.

Former residents have sent us CD-ROMS or DVDs of their family photographs, and also DVD copies of their family films. In one case, a family film was edited by John Snider, down to just the video pertaining to the Park Forest Shopping Center, and this was given a sound track, in one instance synched with the music of Art Hodes as his band played for an Art Fair audience.

Jane Nicoll 3-7-2014, rev. 11-19-2014.

Chicago southland Convention & Visitors Bureau

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