Park Forest Videotapes

Park Forest Historical Society Videotapes Collection

Park Forest Videotapes Collection

Click on the PDFs to view the lists of videotapes in more detail.

  • Historical Archives Videotapes--This box of videotapes contains tapes of different topics from the years 1992-1994 including:  Park Forest: The Midwest's Best Kept Secret, Park Forest 6 1/2 Minutes, Save the Surcharge, District 163, Election Night Returns, interactive Video Bulletin Board Demo Tape, Today's Park Forest Featuring JPJ, Candidate Orientation Tape #1, Park Forest Labor Day Special, Uncommon Valor, Introduction to Matteson School District 162, Nurses Plus Promo Video, The 24-hour City Hall/County Courthouse: Partners in Progress, Park Forest Town Meeting, Education:  Everybody's Business, and Forest: Capture the Spirit.  (Note:  These videotapes have not yet been accessioned.)

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  • Dan Clark Videotapes--This box of videotapes feature Dan Clark, from Jones Intercable, conducting interviews with individuals throughout the years 1984-1987 from various events including: the Hot Seat, Round Table, Neighbors & Friends, Park Forest Perspective #1. DeMarco #3. Arts, Craft, Gun Show, Maeyama Day, Meet the Candidates, July 4th Parade, Lively Arts Festival, Candidates Debates, Gov. Thompson in P.F., Jim Marzuki:  Election Documentary, Beginning Guitar Lessons with Neil Whitham Lessons #1&2 and more.

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  •  Archive Video Box 41--This box of videotapes from 2005 features several topics including:  Senator Dick Durbin:  A Different View, Chronicle of an American Suburb:  Field Tapes, Chronicle of an American Suburb, and Chronicle of an American Suburb:  Home Movie.

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  • Comcast Videotapes--This box of videotapes features the tapes from Kristofer Olsen when he worked as manager of Comcast Cable.  The tapes cover several events such as:  the opening of Old Plank Trail, An Afternoon with Friends, Bach Concert at Hope Lutheran, 4th of July Parade, Town Hall Meeting, Health Care Lecture, Rich East Concert-Band and Choir, and more.

*Note:  While scrolling in the PDF, the information will continue on to new pages.

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