Park Forest Memories

A collection of memories sent to us from past and present Park Forest residents to share

by Robert Flynn, August 31, 2002

It has been a long time since I lived in Park Forest (1952 - 1967), but I try to make visits to the place I grew up every two to three years. I reminisce about the old times. I was told that in 1946, Matthew Manilow acquired a large number of acres for a future residential development. In 1947, he broke ground on the development and sold his first home in the later part of 1948. I was also told that the first 600 tenants of the original townhouses chose the name "Park Forest" for their town and in 1949, the Village of Park Forest was incorporated. Maybe someone can verify that information for me.

John Morris Recalls 1950s Park Forest and Ponders the Monolithic Clock Tower, March 31, 2002

My family lived at 9 Elm Street circa 1954, when I was about 6, so my memories are limited. On one side of us lived the Koenig family, and on the other, John and Cathy Hart and children (Johnnie was my playmate.) Cathy Dunbar lived across the court. Our family was friendly with a young lady from Germany named Dagmar something who lived down the court. My dad, John Morris, was in the insurance/fire protection business in the City (now lives with wife Jean in SF Bay area). Jean kept house and tended to me and younger sister June. Some distinct memories are of the first movie I ever attended at the local theater, which was an Abbott and Costello feature. Every noon I would race home from school to catch the "Uncle Johnnie Coons" show on the tube - his theme song was "A Walk In the Black Forest" I think it is called.

Lynn Donath Remembers Growing Up in Park Forest October 5, 2001

I have just spent an enjoyable few hours reading about Park Forest - past and present. My family moved to P.F. in 1951. We spent many years on Michael Road, jealously watching the houses going up behind us on Chestnut Street! For a short time we lived on Rocket Circle near the high school, and then to a court on Western Ave. Mostly, I recall the early years of playing outside until dark, loads of kids of all ages everywhere, and the sense of freedom that feeling safe and 'at home' in my community imparted. I can't remember our ever having to lock our doors.

by Bill Keese, October 2, 2001

My family moved to Park Forest in August, 1954. We lived at 323 Dogwood until October, 1958 when we moved to Houston, Texas. We lived at 323 Dogwood. My four years growing up in Park Forest left a life-long impression on me and were the most influential years of my life. Life was absolutely great in Park Forest. It is a shame every child in America can't experience growing up in a community like Park Forest.

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